Welcome to the Sunnymead Elementary Home & School Association
We are volunteer run association partnering with administration, faculty, and families to provide community and spirit building events, assemblies, class trips and fundraising to support Sunnymead Elementary School.
Did you know it takes over $65,000, or $125 per student, to fund our mission each year? You can help us reach our goal in a variety of ways:
- Paid membership
- Participation in events like Fun Runs, SOS Dine Outs, Penny Wars, Picto, and more!
- Volunteer for a fundraising or community event
Join us in supporting your student by registering for the HSA
It's an all access pass to stay in the know with all school related updates and events, a family directory to communicate with other families in your students specific classrooms, and sign ups for volunteer opportunities end events throughout the school year.
Join the Sunnymead HSA in our mission to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and our community to advocate for our children.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, October 14
- Tuesday, October 15
- Wednesday, October 16
- Thursday, October 17
- Friday, October 18
- Monday, October 21
- Tuesday, October 22
- Wednesday, October 23